Hi, we are YO.


Each YO's products is accompanied by a “Message”.


They are also fashion items, but also have an “Aspect as Art”.


By combining these two aspects, YO's ideal is to enrich your life from the inside and the outside.








We want to create products that give lasting happiness, not just temporary happiness at the moment you get what you want.


With this in mind, we chose to approach mental health by adding a message to our products.


Every time you touch the product, the message will heal you, encourage you and stay with you.


Please find the perfect message for you.






"Aspect as art"


Have you ever had the experience of a piece of artwork you've just bought that you don't feel comfortable displaying anywhere in your home?


But then you realise that it has become an indispensable accent in your home.


Our idea of art is in its discomfort.

If the discomfort is too strong, people feel uncomfortable, and if it is too weak, they don't feel anything.


The "little" discomfort you feel from a product is the essence of YO, and we believe that it will eventually become a pleasant accent for you.